from hashlib import sha256
from logging import getLogger
from base58 import (b58encode_int, b58decode_int)
from umsgpack import (packb, unpackb, UnsupportedTypeException)
from typing import (Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union)
from . import flags
from .utils import (pack_value, unpack_value, intersect, getUTC,
_MsgPackable__ = Union[None, float, str, bytes]
_MsgPackable_ = Union[_MsgPackable__, List[_MsgPackable__], Tuple[
_MsgPackable__, ...], Dict[Union[str, bytes], _MsgPackable__]]
_MsgPackable = Union[_MsgPackable_, List[_MsgPackable_], Tuple[
_MsgPackable_, ...], Dict[Union[str, bytes], _MsgPackable_]]
MsgPackable = Union[_MsgPackable, List[_MsgPackable], Tuple[_MsgPackable, ...],
Dict[Union[str, bytes], _MsgPackable]]
[docs]def compress(msg, method):
# type: (bytes, int) -> bytes
"""Shortcut method for compression
msg: The message you wish to compress, the type required is
defined by the requested method
method: The compression method you wish to use. Supported
(assuming installed):
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.gzip`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.zlib`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.bz2`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.lzma`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.snappy`
Defined by the compression method, but typically the bytes of the
compressed message
The types fed are dependent on which compression method you use.
Best to assume most values are :py:class:`bytes` or
ValueError: if there is an unknown compression method, or a
method-specific error
if method in (flags.gzip, flags.zlib):
wbits = 15 + (16 * (method == flags.gzip))
compressor = zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,
zlib.DEFLATED, wbits)
return compressor.compress(msg) + compressor.flush()
elif method == flags.bz2:
return bz2.compress(msg)
elif method == flags.lzma:
return lzma.compress(msg)
elif method == flags.snappy:
return snappy.compress(msg)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('Unknown compression method')
[docs]def decompress(msg, method):
# type: (bytes, int) -> bytes
"""Shortcut method for decompression
msg: The message you wish to decompress, the type required is
defined by the requested method
method: The decompression method you wish to use. Supported
(assuming installed):
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.gzip`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.zlib`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.bz2`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.lzma`
- :py:data:`~py2p.flags.snappy`
Defined by the decompression method, but typically the bytes of the
compressed message
The types fed are dependent on which decompression method you use.
Best to assume most values are :py:class:`bytes` or
ValueError: if there is an unknown compression method, or a
method-specific error
if method in (flags.gzip, flags.zlib):
return zlib.decompress(msg, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 32)
elif method == flags.bz2:
return bz2.decompress(msg)
elif method == flags.lzma:
return lzma.decompress(msg)
elif method == flags.snappy:
return snappy.decompress(msg)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('Unknown decompression method')
# This should be in order of preference, with None being implied as last
compression = []
# Compression testing section
import snappy
if hasattr(snappy, 'compress'):
decompress(compress(b'test', flags.snappy), flags.snappy)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
getLogger('py2p.messages').info("Unable to load snappy compression")
import zlib
if hasattr(zlib, 'compressobj'):
decompress(compress(b'test', flags.zlib), flags.zlib)
decompress(compress(b'test', flags.gzip), flags.gzip)
compression.extend((flags.zlib, flags.gzip))
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
getLogger('py2p.messages').info("Unable to load gzip/zlib compression")
import bz2
if hasattr(bz2, 'compress'):
decompress(compress(b'test', flags.bz2), flags.bz2)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
getLogger('py2p.messages').info("Unable to load bz2 compression")
import lzma
if hasattr(lzma, 'compress'):
decompress(compress(b'test', flags.lzma), flags.lzma)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
getLogger('py2p.messages').info("Unable to load lzma compression")
[docs]class InternalMessage(object):
"""An object used to build and parse protocol-defined message structures"""
__slots__ = ('__msg_type', '__time', '__sender', '__payload', '__string',
'__compression', '__id', 'compression_fail', '__full_string')
def __sanitize_string(cls, string, sizeless=False):
# type: (Any, Union[bytes, bytearray, str], bool) -> bytes
"""Removes the size header for further processing.
Also checks if the header is valid.
string: The string you wish to sanitize
sizeless: Whether this string is missing a size header
(default: ``False``)
The fed string without the size header
AttributeError: Fed a non-string, non-bytes argument
AssertionError: Initial size header is incorrect
_string = sanitize_packet(string)
if not sizeless:
if unpack_value(_string[:4]) != len(_string[4:]):
raise AssertionError(
"Real message size {} != expected size {}. "
"Buffer given: {}".format(
len(_string), unpack_value(_string[:4]) + 4, _string))
_string = _string[4:]
return _string
def __decompress_string(cls, string, compressions=None):
# type: (Any, bytes, Union[None, Iterable[int]]) -> Tuple[bytes, bool]
"""Returns a tuple containing the decompressed :py:class:`bytes` and a
:py:class:`bool` as to whether decompression failed or not
string: The possibly-compressed message you wish to parse
compressions: A list of the standard compression methods this
message may be under (default: ``[]``)
A decompressed version of the message
ValueError: Unrecognized compression method fed in compressions
Do not feed it with the size header, it will throw errors
compression_fail = False
# second is module scope compression
for method in intersect(compressions, compression):
string = decompress(string, method)
compression_fail = False
compression_fail = True
return (string, compression_fail)
[docs] def feed_string(
cls, # type: Any
string, # type: Union[bytes, bytearray, str]
sizeless=False, # type: bool
compressions=None # type: Union[None, Iterable[int]]
): # type: (...) -> InternalMessage
"""Constructs a :py:class:`~py2p.messages.InternalMessage` from a string
or :py:class:`bytes` object.
string: The string you wish to parse
sizeless: A :py:class:`bool` which describes whether this
string has its size header (default: it does)
compressions: A iterable containing the standardized compression
methods this message might be under
(default: ``[]``)
A :py:class:`~py2p.messages.InternalMessage` from the given string
AttributeError: Fed a non-string, non-:py:class:`bytes` argument
AssertionError: Initial size header is incorrect
ValueError: Unrecognized compression method fed in compressions
IndexError: Packet headers are incorrect OR
unrecognized compression
# First section checks size header
_string = cls.__sanitize_string(string, sizeless)
# Then we attempt to decompress
_string, compression_fail = cls.__decompress_string(
_string, compressions)
id_ = _string[0:32]
serialized = _string[32:]
checksum = sha256(serialized).digest()
assert id_ == checksum, "Checksum failed: {} != {}".format(
id_, checksum)
packets = unpackb(serialized)
msg = cls(
packets[0], packets[1], packets[3:], compression=compressions)
msg.time = packets[2]
msg.compression_fail = compression_fail
msg._InternalMessage__id = checksum
msg._InternalMessage__string = serialized
# msg.__string = _string
return msg
[docs] def __init__(
self, # type: InternalMessage
msg_type, # type: MsgPackable
sender, # type: bytes
payload, # type: Iterable[MsgPackable]
compression=None, # type: Union[None, Iterable[int]]
timestamp=None # type: Union[None, int]
): # type: (...) -> None
"""Initializes a :py:class:`~py2p.messages.InternalMessage` instance
msg_type: A header for the message you wish to send
sender: A sender ID the message is using
payload: An iterable of objects containing the payload of
the message
compression: A list of the compression methods this message
may use (default: ``[]``)
timestamp: The current UTC timestamp (as an :py:class:`int`)
(default: result of
TypeError: If you feed an object which cannot be fed to msgpack
self.__msg_type = msg_type
self.__sender = sender
self.__payload = tuple(payload)
self.__time = timestamp or getUTC()
self.__id = None # type: Union[None, bytes]
self.__string = None # type: Union[None, bytes]
self.__full_string = None # type: Union[None, bytes]
self.compression_fail = False
if compression:
self.__compression = tuple(compression) # type: Tuple[int, ...]
self.__compression = ()
def payload(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> Tuple[MsgPackable, ...]
"""Returns a :py:class:`tuple` containing the message payload encoded
as :py:class:`bytes`
return self.__payload
def payload(self, value):
# type: (InternalMessage, Sequence[MsgPackable]) -> None
"""Sets the payload to a new :py:class:`tuple`"""
self.__payload = tuple(value)
def compression_used(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> Union[None, int]
"""Returns the compression method this message is using"""
for method in intersect(compression, self.compression):
return method
return None
def __clear_cache(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> None
self.__full_string = None
self.__string = None
self.__id = None
def msg_type(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> MsgPackable
return self.__msg_type
def msg_type(self, val):
# type: (InternalMessage, MsgPackable) -> None
self.__msg_type = val
def sender(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> bytes
return self.__sender
def sender(self, val):
# type: (InternalMessage, bytes) -> None
self.__sender = val
def compression(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> Tuple[int, ...]
return self.__compression
def compression(self, val):
# type: (InternalMessage, Iterable[int]) -> None
new_comps = intersect(compression, val)
old_comp = self.compression_used
if (old_comp, ) != new_comps[0:1]:
self.__full_string = None
self.__compression = tuple(val)
def time(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> int
return self.__time
def time(self, val):
# type: (InternalMessage, int) -> None
self.__time = val
def time_58(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> bytes
"""Returns this message's timestamp in base_58"""
return b58encode_int(self.__time)
def id(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> bytes
"""Returns the message id"""
if not self.__id:
payload_hash = sha256(self.__non_len_string)
self.__id = payload_hash.digest()
return self.__id
def packets(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> Tuple[MsgPackable, ...]
"""Returns the full :py:class:`tuple` of packets in this message
encoded as :py:class:`bytes`, excluding the header
return ((self.__msg_type, self.__sender, self.time) + self.payload)
def __non_len_string(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> bytes
"""Returns a :py:class:`bytes` object containing the entire message,
excepting the total length header
TypeError: If any of the arguments are not serializable. This
means your objects must be one of the following:
- :py:class:`bool`
- :py:class:`float`
- :py:class:`int` (if ``2**64 > x > -2**63``)
- :py:class:`str`
- :py:class:`bytes`
- :py:class:`unicode`
- :py:class:`tuple`
- :py:class:`list`
- :py:class:`dict` (if all keys are
if not self.__string:
self.__string = packb(self.packets)
except UnsupportedTypeException as e:
raise TypeError(*e.args)
return self.__string
def string(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> bytes
"""Returns a :py:class:`bytes` representation of the message
TypeError: See :py:func:`~py2p.base.InternalMessage._InternalMessage__non_len_string`
if not all((self.__id, self.__string, self.__full_string)):
id_ =
ret = b''.join((id_, self.__non_len_string))
compression_used = self.compression_used
if compression_used:
ret = compress(ret, compression_used)
self.__full_string = b''.join((pack_value(4, len(ret)), ret))
return self.__full_string
def __len__(self):
# type: (InternalMessage) -> int
return len(self.string)